

How To Care For Dehydrated Skin

Woman using skin care products

How To Care For Dehydrated Skin

Does your skin look dull and feel rough? 

The reason is far more common than you think. Your skin might just be dehydrated! 

While having flawless skin makes you feel good about how you look, there’s so much more to it than that. Your skin protects you from harmful bacteria and keeps your body temperature stable. To say you can’t live without it is an understatement. That’s why you have to take care of it! 

In this article, we’ll answer your questions like:

  • Are dry skin and dehydrated skin the same?
  • How do I test my skin to know if I am dehydrated?
  • What are the things I can do to hydrate my skin?

Dry Vs. Dehydrated Skin

Woman looking at skin in mirror

First things first. Let’s clear up the main misconceptions about dry skin and dehydrated skin. You might think they’re the same, but they are actually two different things! 

Dry Skin

Dry skin or xerosis is a skin type. It happens when there is not enough moisture or oil in the skin. It can lead to skin tightness, roughness, itchiness. 

In some cases, you might get flaky and cracked skin. If this happens, visit your local dermatologist. They can prescribe a variety of treatments for you. 

Taking hot showers can dry your skin out. Consider a warm bath instead. But don’t stay too long in the shower either. Make sure to limit your showering time as well. Showering for too long can strip essential oils from your skin. It can then lead to dryer skin.

Dehydrated Skin

On the other hand, dehydrated skin indicates that your body doesn’t have enough water. Dehydration happens when you lose too much fluid from bodily processes like sweating, urinating, and vomiting. Getting sick and coming down with a fever can also contribute to it.  Depending on how much fluid you lost, dehydration may be mild, moderate, or severe. 

Before anything else,  you need to know whether your skin is dry or dehydrated. 

How Do I Know If I Am Dehydrated?

There’s an easy way to find out. Try this at home, it won’t take too much time.

Try pinching your skin, preferably on the back of your hand or abdomen. If your skin snaps quickly back to normal, then you have normal skin turgor.  Poor skin turgor, on the other hand, shows if your skin takes time to return to its natural state. 

Skin turgor refers to the elasticity of the skin.  Pinch and pull your skin up for a few seconds. The skin’s change of and return to normal indicates skin turgor. If your skin tents up when you do the pinch test, you should go see a doctor as soon as you can. You might be experiencing severe dehydration.

Once you determine the kind of skin you have, you can pursue appropriate steps to take care of it. Keep on reading this article to find out about some hydrating tips for your skin. 

How Should I Take Care Of My Dehydrated Skin?

Here’s what you need to do…

Drink Plenty of Water

Woman drinking water

When we say plenty of water, we mean you need lots and lots of it. Your skin, especially the epidermis (outer layer), needs water for it to feel smooth and healthy.

Some may argue that drinking more water to hydrate your skin is unfounded.  However, drinking water still does a lot for your overall health. It prevents headaches, constipation, kidney stones, and bladder infections, to mention a few. Water also balances your body temperature.

The color of your urine can also indicate if you’re properly hydrated. Ideally, it should be pale yellow.  However, if it’s darker than that, it won’t hurt to grab another glass and drink more water!

One more reminder: avoid sugary drinks as much as possible. Opt for plain water instead. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages as well. They are diuretics that may also dehydrate you.

Eat a Healthy Diet

They say you are what you eat, so eat healthily. What you put in your body is crucial to your skin condition.

Always opt for a balanced diet. Consider eating foods rich in antioxidants. Some of these include vegetables, nuts, herbs and spices, and whole grains. Antioxidants like vitamins C and E protect your cells against free radicals that damage your body.

Getting the right amount of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals hydrates your skin.  Omega-3 is an example of healthy fat. These usually come from foods like healthy nuts. Olive oil and canola oil are good sources too. Introduce papaya and avocado to your diet as they are excellent sources of vitamin C which produces collagen.

Reduce your intake of unhealthy fats and processed sugar as these can lead to skin aging.  If you can, also lessen your alcohol intake. 

Remember that you have to take care of your overall health other than your skin. 

Make Time for Exercise

Woman exercising at home

If you need a reason to add more exercise to your routine, we’ve got some for you. There are many benefits of movement to the skin. Yes, you’ve read that right. Regular exercise is proven to make the skin healthier and clearer.

But how does this happen? 

When you do cardiovascular exercises, your muscles do a lot of work. For them to move the way they do, your body needs oxygen. It then increases the amount of oxygen you have in your body. Your blood starts pumping more, sending more nutrients not just to your skin but to other parts of your body. 

These activities do wonders for your skin, but they do much more than that. Exercise enhances cardiovascular health, hastens metabolism, and improves mental health. 

Cardio exercises focus on elevating your heart rate. These include the following: 

  • running
  • jogging
  • swimming
  • brisk walking
  • cycling.

If you can’t go out for one reason or another, there are alternatives. Try doing jumping jacks, jumping ropes, dancing, yoga, and burpees!

It is essential to always replenish your fluids by drinking water in between workouts. Take a shower after to get rid of dirt and to unclog your pores.

Use a Humidifier

If you have a humidifier at home, use it. Humidifiers are made to increase moisture levels in the air and prevent it from getting dry.

This comes with risks so make sure you have a healthy balance of humidity at home. Low humidity causes dry skin. But too much humidity can trigger allergies or asthma might flare up. 

Generally, it’s safe to keep the humidity level at 30-50%. Don’t forget to clean your humidifier to avoid bacteria and molds, which can cause more problems for you. If you have asthma or skin allergies, consult your doctor first before using a humidifier.

Skincare for Dehydrated Skin

Many factors place unnecessary stress on your skin, such as chemicals, smoke, and other pollutants. An unfortunate side effect is that these may cause your skin to feel and look unhealthy. Skincare products are essential, so investing in them goes a long way. 

Your choice of products is more crucial than you think.   Not every product is going to be useful for your skin so you have to decide which ones suit your skin type and condition. 

 Let’s talk about what you can do to achieve skin that looks healthy and fresh.

The First Step is Always Cleansing

Woman cleansing skin

As we all know, cleansing your skin is absolutely crucial. After all, it is the largest organ of the body! 

Cleanse your skin before putting on makeup or just as you start the day. It is advisable to always cleanse your face before going to bed. Your skin accumulates dirt throughout the day and you have to take extra care in removing all of it. 

When choosing a cleanser, avoid ones that contain harsh chemicals because they can damage your skin instead of cleaning it. As a rule of thumb, pick a gentle cleanser that works best with your skin type. 

Introstem’s Stem Cell Mousse Cleanser, formulated with grape stem cell extract, removes makeup, dirt, and grease from your skin. And the best part?  It doesn’t strip your skin of essential oils! Make sure that the skin products you use do not remove essential oils because they keep your skin looking hydrated and glowing.  Use this cleanser once or twice a day to see better results.

The Next Step is Toning

After cleansing your skin, reach out for your toner. Toners are used to refresh and balance the feel of the skin.

Now, let’s talk about this Stem Cell Facial Toner from Introstem. Aside from grape stem cells, it is also infused with hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, gives the skin a plump and bouncy appearance. Worth every penny! 

Now, it’s Time to Moisturize! 

Moisturizers have been proven to help skin feel smoother and healthier. Water stays in the skin’s outer layer with a good moisturizer. 

Like any other product you use, no two moisturizers are the same. So, make sure to choose the one that’s best for you. Consider factors like your age, skin type, and skin condition. 

If you’re looking for a moisturizer that makes your skin look younger and plumper, try Introstem’s Stem Cell Day Moisturizer. It contains shea butter, vitamin E, and grape stem cells for a smooth and supple finish.

Serums – Don’t knock Them Until You Try Them!  

Woman applying face serum

If you haven’t tried serums yet, you’re missing out on a lot of benefits. 

Introstem offers the Stem Cell Vitamin C Serum, which helps refresh the look of tired and lifeless skin. Using it is a breeze. Just apply it to freshly cleansed skin and massage it in. This night serum energizes and renews the feel of the skin for another day ahead!

Take Care of Your Under-Eye Area as Well!

The under-eye area is sensitive. It is prone to dryness, and also shows visible signs of aging with fine lines and wrinkles.

Why not try an eye cream that focuses on reducing the appearance of these problems? The Stem Cell Firming Eye Cream contains an infusion that refreshes the feel of your skin. Its ingredients reduce the appearance of fine lines as well!

Gently apply the cream with your finger to the under-eye area, then lightly pat it until absorbed. Try this special eye cream and notice a fresher-looking under-eye area. No more tired-looking eyes!

More Skin Care Products To Try

People overlook it, but it’s essential to always use sunscreen. The sun’s ultraviolet radiation can cause the visibility of premature aging (such as the appearance of wrinkles) and other skin diseases. Sunscreens protect the skin by preventing UV radiation from penetrating the deeper levels of the skin.

It may sound strange, but wear sunscreen even when you’re at home because the sun’s harsh rays can still penetrate through the windows.

The bottom line is that there are plenty of things that you can do to hydrate your skin. It can be as simple as drinking the right amount of water, having a healthy diet, making time for exercise in your day, and investing in excellent quality skincare products!

We hope you learned a lot from this article about the easy ways to take care of your skin. However, if you are experiencing more severe skin conditions, please do not hesitate to seek help from a professional.

Happy pampering!

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