

How to Soothe the Look of Redness and Irritation With the Right Products

woman red skin

How to Soothe the Look of Redness and Irritation With the Right Products

Struggling with blotchy and irritated skin? With so many possible causes, it can take a while to get to the root of the problem and restore balance to your complexion. However, the right skincare products can drastically speed things up. Read on as Introstem explains what you need to be looking for in skincare when trying to soothe the look of redness and irritation.

Understanding the Reasons Behind Redness and Irritation

The very first step in your quest to soothe your complexion should be to try to figure out the cause behind the redness and irritation that you’re dealing with. This way, you’ll be able to work on a long-term plan for cutting out those triggers while using skincare to keep your skin looking calm in the meantime.

What makes this tricky is that there are so many different factors that can contribute to redness, and there’s a good chance that yours is being caused by at least a few of them:

  • Environmental factors – from UV rays to extreme temperatures to strong winds, the environment is sometimes the biggest culprit when it comes to redness and irritation.
  • Skincare – certain ingredients commonly cause reactions in the skin.
  • Hormones – hormonal fluctuations can interfere with skin barrier function. This then leaves the skin more prone to irritation and redness.
  • Allergies – an allergic reaction to anything from food to chemicals can cause the skin to turn red and itchy.
  • Certain skin conditions, like eczema and psoriasis, can lead to redness and irritation.

As you can imagine, working out the root cause of your skin problems is always the best solution. However, while you do so, let’s take a look at a few ways in which you can soothe your complexion with the right skincare products…

Switch to a Gentle Cleanser and Exfoliator

VitisCell Fresh Cleansing Mousse

If your skin is red and irritated, this is a sign that your skin barrier is, in some way, compromised. The last thing that you want to do is irritate it even further. Unfortunately, this is something that many cleansers and exfoliators are notorious for. They cleanse/exfoliate a little too intensely. This means that each use of that product ends up stripping away some of your skin’s natural protective barrier. If your redness seemed to arise soon after introducing an overly zealous cleanser or exfoliator to your routine, swapping for a gentler formula could be all that your skin needs.

When choosing a cleanser, make sure that there aren’t any sulfates on the ingredient list. Instead, you want to see plenty of moisturizing and conditioning ingredients – compounds that will leave your skin feeling soft and restored rather than uncomfortably tight. The Introstem VitisCell Fresh Cleansing Mousse is a great example. It makes use of coconut-derived surfactants along with a blend of complexion-soothing plant oils. Between hemp seed oil, argan oil, and moringa seed oil, your skin will look beautifully dewy post-cleanse.

In terms of an exfoliator, look for one that isn’t going to tear your skin with sharp abrasives or burn it with potent acids. The Introstem Stem Cell Facial Peeling would be a great one to try. It contains mandelic acid, which is the gentlest of exfoliating acids. This is backed up by finely ground walnut shell powder, along with an array of antioxidants that will give your skin a glow.

Calm Your Complexion With the Right Ingredients

VitisCell Hydra Fresh Toner

You’re probably aware that there are certain ingredients out there that are known for how they effectively calm the look of inflammation. Redness and irritation are both signs of inflammation, making those ingredients worth seeking out.

Aloe vera is one. Not only does it quickly reduce the feeling of inflammation but it’s also loaded with antioxidants. It’s exceptionally hydrating too. Thanks to its humectant properties, it’s great at binding moisture to the skin.

Chamomile extract is another superstar. This herb has been proven to help soothe the feeling of irritation in the skin while balancing out the look of redness. Again, it also boasts numerous antioxidants.

Plant oils are also great for skin that looks red and inflamed. Certain oils, such as hemp seed oil, are packed with fatty acids that moisturize and calm the complexion. 

Want a product that combines all of the above? Meet the Introstem VitisCell Hydra Fresh Toner. In addition to aloe vera, chamomile extract, and hemp seed oil, it also boasts a few other ingredients, such as cucumber fruit extract and grape stem cells, that work wonders on skin that feels irritated.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized

VitisCell Day Repair Facial Cream

As we mentioned earlier, redness and irritation are signs that your skin barrier has been disturbed in some way. This will affect how it functions, meaning that redness and irritation won’t be the only problems you end up dealing with.

To keep those other visible skin concerns at bay, ensure that you keep your skin moisturized. A moisturizer will create its own layer over the surface of your skin, almost replicating the role of your skin’s natural barrier. Not only will it help with hydration but a good moisturizer will also leave your skin feeling protected against environmental aggressors.

With that said, be careful when choosing a moisturizer. You don’t want to end up slathering your skin with a product containing ingredients that will only make your irritation worse. Instead, look for one that contains some of the complexion-soothing ingredients that we discussed above. The Introstem VitisCell Day Repair Facial Cream, for example, is infused with both aloe vera and chamomile. It also contains vitamin E, grape stem cells, green tea extract, and shea butter. All of these are loved for how they leave the skin feeling soothed and refreshed.

SPF is a Must

VitisCell Facial Shield SPF 30

With environmental factors being a big contributor to redness and irritation, adequate protection measures need to be taken. When it comes to the cold and the wind, a good moisturizer will see you through. For the sun and its inflammation-inducing UV rays, an SPF is essential.

If your skin is currently highly reactive and sensitive, finding an SPF that doesn’t cause additional irritation can be difficult. One option would be to look for an SPF moisturizer. This way, you’ll be soothing your complexion while also safeguarding it from sun damage.

This is something that the Introstem VitisCell Facial Shield Cream SPF 30 excels at. With a blend of aloe vera, vitamin E, green tea extract, grape stem cells, and glycerin, it will hydrate and calm your complexion while also providing sun protection.

Look For Products That Hydrate the Skin

Limited Edition

As you now know, dehydration and irritation go hand in hand. If you really want to soothe your complexion, keeping it fully hydrated is crucial.

Fortunately, there are plenty of hydrating ingredients out there that can help you to do this. All of the products that we’ve already featured contain several of them! By layering hydration onto your skin through each step of your skincare routine, you’ll be able to bump up your skin’s hydration levels far better than if you were to rely on a single hydrating product.

With that said, if your skin could do with a hydration top-up during the day, consider carrying a hydrating face mist around with you. Look for products that contain lightweight hydrators, such as the Collagen Plumping Mist from the Collagen Cooling Set Limited Edition. This facial mist boasts two of the most popular moisture-binding humectants around; sodium hyaluronate and glycerin. They’re joined by niacinamide and centella asiatica extract, both of which are also revered for how they soothe the complexion.

Pamper Your Skin While You Snooze

Lumi-Cell Overnight Mask

Does your skin often look even redder and more inflamed in the mornings? If so, this is surprisingly common. It all comes down to how skin barrier function slows down in the evenings. The skin becomes more permeable. This means that any irritants around you are able to enter your skin much more easily while you sleep.

What can you do about this? Start by keeping your skin barrier feeling supported with a rich night cream. You need a moisturizer that will give your skin barrier a sense of thickness and resilience while also providing plenty of antioxidants. This is exactly what the Introstem Stem Cell Night Repair has been designed to do!

An overnight face mask can also be a great way to give your complexion some extra support. Although these shouldn’t be used every night, adding a mask to your evening skincare routine once or twice a week could be enough to give your skin the TLC that it’s craving. The Introstem Lumi-Cell Overnight Mask, which is full of antioxidants, would be a great choice!

Cool Your Skin Down

One of the quickest ways to soothe the feeling of inflammation and irritation is with cold temperatures. This is why many turn to a cold compress when their skin is feeling irritated or stressed. However, although effective, this method requires you to hold the cold compress against your skin for about ten minutes, which many people don’t have the time for on a busy morning!

One easy alternative would be to start storing your skincare products in the fridge. This way, your skin will benefit from those cold temperatures each time you apply your products. As an added bonus, refrigerating your skincare will likely also help to extend the shelf life of some of your more potent products.

Jade rollers and cooling globes are also effective ways to target inflamed areas of the skin. They’ll reduce the appearance of redness while giving your skin a glow.


Redness and irritation can be extremely tricky to deal with. Make the wrong move and you could end up exacerbating your problems, which will make them so much harder to fix. 

The solution is to take things slowly. While you try to figure out the cause of your redness, keep your skincare routine gentle and soothing. Follow the tips above and you’ll soon have your skin well under control!

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